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Monday, February 15, 2010

Day Three

Okay….so here we are, 3 days into our latest “Home Improvement” project. As a birthday/valentines present to me, Kenny said he would help me paint the back entry way and landing area, WITHOUT complaining! This is not an easy task for a man who generally has the patience of someone who is still counting their age in months. To his enormous credit though, so far he has maintained an amazingly upbeat mood. I tend to wonder a little bit, if perhaps it is because we are using oil based paint in a tightly confined, poorly ventilated area…

Whatever, so far so good.

We ran out of paint yesterday afternoon, so raced off to town to get more. The greeter at the door of Home Depot, just looked at us and burst into laughter as we frantically entered the store, carrying the empty paint can ( trying to make sure we found the same stuff). We were in paint spattered clothes, wearing ball caps with our paint streaked hair poking out in every direction possible and with hands and faces so covered with paint that it absolutely screamed, amateur, kindergarten student or, simply and probably more accurately…morons. Apparently you are supposed to use so me sort of gloves with oil paint. The turpentine used to clean it off our skin though, left one with a tingling, numbing feeling all evening as the toxic chemicals raced through our bloodstreams.

Today we are ready to apply the actual paint instead of just primer. As we were buying the newest gallon of primer yesterday, the clerk in the store told us that there is actually a paint that is primer and paint all in one. Good to know, after two days of applying primer. Next time I guess, but for now, day three begins…

1 comment:

Coral said...

Love it!!! So funny!