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Wednesday, January 27, 2010

4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse

I attended a meeting at a hospital this morning, as a support person for someone who has been having a terrible time in her attempts to protect her elderly mother from the system. Every single thing has been a battle with the powers that be, to keep her mother alive, to have her treated with the respect she deserves, to have family and the patient herself, listened to when they speak.
The meeting this morning was to discuss a care plan and eventual discharge. The family was prepared for war. I was asked to attend for support, back up and as a witness. I had my research done, ready to fire at will, and then…..
out of the hazy-blue-somewhere-over-the rainbow, world of fantasy….
a civilized, respectful meeting took place.
What? Are you kidding me?
Hospital staff piled into the small room and behaved ‘nicely’. I gave my head a shake a couple of times wondering if I had fallen asleep and was dreaming, but, this was a for real meeting where respect seemed evident from nearly all sources. There are always a couple of power tripping dweebs who refuse to make eye contact or speak directly to the peasants, but this time they were the exception to the rule, rather than the norm.

Now, I have grown to be a very cynical person, and that has come from many years of trying to believe what people say, only to later learn they have been lying through their teeth the whole time. I am reserving judgement on the outcome from this morning’s meeting, until I see, with my own eyes, the promised results in action.

I still have to say though, that I was totally surprised, then instantly suspicious, then, dare I say…a little bit hopeful? I am keeping an eye out now for the 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse to ride by my window….


Shannon said...

Nice to hear that sometime things do indeed work out well. I agree, like you, I have become very cynical as I grow older, and it's always nice to get a "shot" of decency. Oops..."behold, a Pale Horse" just ran by....

J.C. said...

Hee-hee with the pale it. It is true, it is just so nice to see something work out well, especially when you are prepared for it to go exceedingly bad.
Unfortunately,my history with the health authorities has been, and continues to be, explosive. Still, when something good happens I jump at the chance to write about that as well. Gotta be fair.