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Thursday, April 29, 2010

Taxes and Filing Systems

Got my taxes done today.  For some unknown reason, each year I wait until the very last minute, as though, somehow miraculously, my income from the last year will suddenly change.  Yes, I know it is four months after the cut off date for reportable income, but still, I hold out until the end, just in case.
My accountant has tried in the past to seek me out and force me to use a log book for my vehicle expenses.  I have even tried to do that and it sometimes lasts for up to maybe two days. Then I forget or don't have time, so all my receipts get stuffed into the console of my truck. I take them out in a ball, carefully put the ball into a plastic bag and label it "gas receipts". I have another ball of receipts, that gets crammed into another bag, labelled "other receipts".  My filing system is pretty straight forward.
One time I tried to iron out some of my receipts and I will warn all others who may be thinking of trying the same thing....DON'T DO IT!!!  The iron turned all of the ink black and you couldn't make out a thing that was on the paper, including the place it came from.
Taxes are such a stressful thing and Revenue Canada, I have found, has a very limited sense of humour.  At least I can breathe a sigh of relief until the 29th of April next year!

1 comment:

Coral said...

I so know!! We got audited last year, and because we did, EVEN THOUGH we gathered up all the receipts, and they agreed with us, we will most likely continue to get audited...ahhh....the stress of Revenue Canada!!