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Friday, August 20, 2010

Boys and Girls I had three girls. I know a lot about girls. In fact I was at a workshop once where negotiation skills were being discussed and we were asked what experience we had with negotiating. I said that I had three teenage girls who all wore the same size clothes and shoes and that everyone was still alive. I won that round of the workshop.

Now, I have 5 grandsons, soon to be 6 (Bobbi had her first ultra sound yesterday) and only one little grand daughter. It has been an education for me, watching these boys in action.

Brandy ( my middle daughter) lives in town with her husband and two little ones, Brooklyn 3.5 and Riley 2, so I fortunately, get to see them lots.

Brooklyn loves fairies and princesses, magical kingdoms and babies.

Riley loves Thomas the Train, racing about like a miniature tank and eating handfuls of dirt and bark from his mom's plants.

She likes tea parties and he likes blowing bubbles in his milk then spitting it all back into the glass as he chuckles away.

She likes running in the grass and spinning around like a dancing princess and he likes tearing his clothes off and climbing the fence.

They both love the hose. Love it.

Riley is still madly in love with Dora, and Brooklyn likes her too but has also moved on to other toddler icons such as the Back Yardigins.

When I see Brooklyn, we both squeal with delight and I grab her up and hug her and kiss her and tell her she is the best little girl in the whole wide world.

When I see Riley, I squeal with delight that Grammy's boy is here, he grins and I grab him and toss him upside down and run around in crazy circles as he laughs like a little maniac. I am eternally grateful that my wild little grandson is also a hugger and a cuddler and I pray that he stays that way forever.

Even my tiniest grandson, Cameron, likes rougher play and he is only 4.5 months old. Obviously, the rough play with a little baby, is tempered and gentler, but he likes luncay, along with lots of hugging and kissing still (thankfully). He has also decided that he will no longer be content to be propped up sitting, or to simply lie somewhere. He insists on being helped to stand and bounce at all times.

My oldest grandsons came into the family a bit later and I never got to see them as babies, but watching them a bit bigger has been a major education for me. They go, go, go constantly, playing hockey, lacrosse, basketball, going to hockey training camps, speed skating, practices, practices, practices. They do not have 'rehearsals' for hockey I have learned, it is a practice. They don't wear 'costumes', they wear uniforms. They wear hockey helmets not 'hats'. They don't have pretty hair or eyes or pretty anything. They are handsome or cool, sometimes I can even get away with cute.

My girls have learned, through their own parenting experiences, that boys will not sit and color for an hour, in fact they will not usually sit and do anything for an hour.

Girls will. Most of the time.

My beautiful little grand daughter is a sweet reminder of days past and my grandsons....well they are a reminder that my education is just beginning.  Unimaginable levels of love comes in all forms.

Oh the things we learn when we become Grammies.

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